Gov. Kristi Noem Speaks at Republican National Convention

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MILWAUKEE, WI –Today, Governor Kristi Noem spoke at the Republican National Convention. She highlighted how South Dakota’s example of Freedom will Make America Wealthy Again!


Governor Noem’s full remarks can be found below, as-prepared for delivery.


Good evening! I’m Governor Kristi Noem from the great state of South Dakota.


Leadership has consequences. It matters who’s in the White House. I’ve been a governor under both President Trump and Biden. People ask me the biggest difference, I tell them President Trump honored the Constitution. He let me do my job. And he let me keep my people free. 


Leadership on the state level matters too. It certainly mattered in South Dakota. I am proud to say that South Dakota’s strong economy has become a beacon of Freedom for America. 


Most of you probably first learned about me during COVID – because South Dakota was the only state in America that stayed Open for Business. 


We didn’t mandate anything. We never ordered a single business or church to close. I never even defined what an essential business was, because I don’t believe the government has the authority to tell you your business isn’t essential.  


When other states were pushing mandates and lockdowns, we hit the gas. South Dakota embraced liberty. We told our story and invited people to come and enjoy our state. 


All the things conservatives talked about, we just did it. And it worked. Our economy took off. Since I’ve been Governor, we broke the national record for lowest unemployment rate in American history at 1.8%. We paid off state debts and bonds. We fixed dams and bridges. We built roads. We have a fully-funded pension plan and a AAA credit rating. We broke records for surpluses. We balance our budget every single year. And last year we passed the largest tax cut in South Dakota history.


Under my administration, incomes have gone up over 36%. Women owned

businesses are thriving. We have the highest birth rate in the nation. People are having babies because they are happy. In South Dakota we love babies. Our mental health challenges have gone down, our suicide rates are declining, and we are the #1 state in the country for decline in overdoses because people have HOPE!


We are growing so fast that we need more workers to keep up! So we launched the most successful workforce recruitment campaign in South Dakota history. And they have come by the thousands to join us. Remember when I was a lousy plumber? Or a terrible electrician? Since we started those ads, we saw a 78% increase in licensed plumbers and a 44% increase in electricians in our state. People aren’t moving to South Dakota for our beaches or beautiful January weather. They are moving for opportunity and Freedom. All of this happened because we were bold, we took action, and I was strong.


South Dakota proved that Freedom will MAKE AMERICA WEALTHY AGAIN! And with President Trump in the White House, with Senator J.D. Vance by his side, we will prove it across America.


But two days ago, the whole world changed. Evil displayed itself in the very worst way, through a cowardly act. An innocent American lost his life, and we continue to lift his family up in our prayers.


Prior to this week, we already knew that Donald Trump is a fighter. He is the toughest man I’ve ever met. Nobody has endured more than what he’s been through. They attacked his reputation, impeached him, tried to bankrupt him, and unjustly prosecuted him.


But even in the most perilous moment this week, his instinct was to stand and FIGHT.


He is our man in the Arena. He will never stop fighting for us.


And now, he’s bringing us together. 


I know that many of you are angry. But now is the time for us to UNITE!


We must work – win the hearts and minds of every American. Wake them up with truth and wisdom. LISTEN to them. You can’t win people over by arguing with them. Visit with your neighbors at the gas pump and at the grocery store. 


There are moments in our history – often after great hardship or tragedy – when true leaders unite our country.


At one time President Lincoln united our country. He delivered my favorite presidential address of all time. In fact, it’s the only speech, poem, or song that I ever made my kids memorize when they were young. It was the Gettysburg Address delivered during our nation’s bloodiest conflict. That speech so inspired people, they continued to fight for years and lost loved ones in order to preserve this union we call the United States of America.


At that time, President Lincoln encouraged us to “take increased devotion… that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Like Lincoln, in the midst of our pain and division, Donald Trump is calling us to be “touched… by the better angels of our nature.”

As Paul wrote in 2nd Timothy, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  


We must NOT be afraid. Even in our darkest days, we have NEVER given up hope. 


Don’t quit on America… If we lose this country, where else will we go that provides more Freedom and opportunity for our children and grandchildren? 


Yes, democracy can be messy – but there is a great invisible strength to a people’s union. We have shown the world that we can endure sacrifice and unite. We should still aspire to be worthy of our union – America. 


President Donald J. Trump is the leader we need for such a time as this. 


Now get to work.


May God Bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.
